August 29th, 4:25 pm, Case # 4185156 – Suspect is a white female. She is suspected of having broken a fellow customers nose. When interrogated, suspect claims to have no daughter, but does admit to having a son. After a closer examination, suspect seems to more cooperative. The rest of this incident has been deemed classified and is only available on a need to know basis. Evidence logged on August 29th, 2018.
August 22nd, 2:00pm, Case # 2463827 - Suspect is a white adolescent, female. Brown hair, midlevel height. Suspected of stealing clothing from the store. Method is initially unclear as suspect claims to be wearing a diabetic patch. Upon further investigation, suspect is revealed to have hidden clothes under her own clothes. Loss prevention officer proceeds to retrieve stolen goods. The rest of this file is sealed and considered to be highly classified. Evidence logged on August 22, 2018.
August 15th, 3:16 pm, Case # XXXXXXXX - Suspect is a white, adolescent female. She is skinny and petite, so will most likely be susceptible to intimidation tactics during interrogation. Method of theft is unclear, but our Loss Prevention Officer is determined to find out what she has stolen. The rest of this incident has been deemed classified, and is only available on a need to know basis. . Evidence logged on August 15, 2018.
August 8th, 5:00 pm, Case # 6686140 - Suspect is a white adolescent, female. Suspect had other white, adolescent accomplices who left her at the scene of the crime. After interrogation, suspect denied having stolen anything. She was then subjected to a search. Further evidence was collected, but it is considered classified and is only available on a need to know basis. Evidence logged on August 8, 2018.
July 11th, 1:09pm, Case No. 5144158 - Female suspect was apprehended and detained on suspicion of shoplifting. The female claims to be a foreign national, having moved to the United States approximately two years ago. This file is classified, and the remaining information is sealed herein. Evidence logged on July 11, 2018.
July 4th, 5:09pm, Case # 3635587 - Suspect is a white female from the Czech republic. She was apprehended and detained on suspicion of stealing merchandise. The suspect was taken into custody for interrogation. The remainder of this file is considered classified, and the information herein is sealed. Evidence logged on July 4, 2018.
June 13th 10:01am, Case # 0901154 - Female suspect detained on suspicion of fraud, using multiple stolen credit cards that do not match her legal name. Suspect was remanded and held into custody, whereupon a thorough interrogation was conducted. The suspect was asked a series of probing questions, complying with the investigator. The remainder of this file is classified/sealed information. Evidence logged on Jun 13, 2018.
Jun 6th 10:13am Case # 7002658 - White male suspect taken into custody on suspicion of theft. LP officer questioned suspect and discovered prior shoplifting charges on his record. Upon searching suspect, stolen merchandise was recovered from his right shoe. The remainder of this file is priority sealed and classified. Evidence logged Jun 6, 2018.
May 30th 3:41pm, Case # 8165224 - Female suspect was spotted trying to hide a dog leash on her person. Suspect was then remanded and taken into custody, whereupon the dog leash was discovered and recovered. The remainder of this case file is priority classified information, the record of which is sealed. Evidence logged on May 30, 2018.
May 16th 2:02pm - Case # 3192018 - Young suspect was caught stealing and called their mother for help. Mother then came to LP office and coerced the officer into giving the suspect a much lighter sentence. Even though police were not involved, suspect was subjected to witnessing the coercion and scarred for life. Evidence logged on May 16, 2018.
May 2nd 3:19pm - Case # 8455992 - Suspect worked for sanitation department of the store and was under surveillance for using their shift to steal. Suspect was initially calm, but started to get nervous quickly. Suspect was begging for forgiveness, and let off easier than most perpetrators. They left with their freedom, but definitely not their dignity. Evidence logged on May 2, 2018.
April 25th 7:00pm - Case # 7968433 - Twin suspects were apprehended and taken for questioning in LP office. Suspects attempted to use their 5th amendment right to not incriminate themselves. Further bickering between the suspects caused them to reveal more sensitive information. An escape was attempted but LP officer caught the suspects in the act. A deal was made by LP officer to ensure the girls freedom and humiliate them for the rest of their lives. Evidence logged on Apr 25, 2018.
April 18th 6:13pm - Case # 1101455 - Suspect was dressed suspiciously and seen going into the dressing room with merchandise and not leaving with it. Suspect was then apprehended and questioned. Suspects religious beliefs would supposedly prevent them from committing the crime, but that was no excuse. Suspect was spared and left with a stern hard hitting warning. Evidence logged on Apr 18, 2018.
April 11th 1:49pm - Case # 3657874 - Suspect was caught on CCTV concealing merchandise. Suspect was cooperative and volunteered to strip search, but in the end would be found guilty by law enforcement. Suspect could not risk a criminal record and complied with LP officers every demand in order to walk out of the store that day without any charges. Evidence logged on Apr 11, 2018.
April 4th 2:15pm - Case # 5584216 - Suspects grandmother was called to LP office in hopes of clearing matters up. While argument occurred, grandmother herself dropped stolen merchandise from her person. Both grandmother and suspect were punished by LP officer and infraction was handled on site. Evidence logged on Apr 4, 2018.
August 23th 1:31pm - Case # 1148696 - Petty Theft - Suspect was caught on CCTV cameras shoplifting expensive makeup. Suspect was apprehended by LP officer and brought to backroom office for questioning and strip search. Merchandise was recovered, and suspect was destined for jail. LP officer did however not call law enforcement. Infraction was handled on site. Suspect most definitely learned their lesson. Evidence logged on Aug 23, 2017.
August 16th 6:22pm - Case # 7547217 - Grand Theft - Suspect thought being questioned by LP officer was all fun and games, until officer revealed store had hidden cameras. Officer by then was allowed lawfully to conduct a full body search. Jewelry in excess of $1000 was found concealed in suspects bra. Local police did not pick up call, LP officer handled the case on site. Evidence logged on Aug 16, 2017.
August 9th 1:02pm - Case # 9886958 - Petty Theft - Suspect refused search of backpack. LP officer found merchandise that could not be explained by suspect. Suspect was then strip searched to check for more merchandise. None was found. LP officer felt generous and allowed suspect to make up for the crime locally, without police involvement. Evidence logged on Aug 9, 2017.
December 14th 6:19pm - Case #7482365 - Petty Theft - Store associate noticed size of suspects purse keep growing and growing. Associate assumed she had been stealing. LP officer was alerted and sweeped the floor. Suspect was apprehended and taken to back room LP office. Suspects bag was searched and a myriad of merchandise was uncovered. Suspect then offered to pay for damages. LP officer denied and stripped suspect due to hypothesis the clothes being worn were also stolen. Matters were then handled locally, and suspects images uploaded to store theft database. Evidence logged on Dec 14, 2016.